Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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Juanes - "herbalist"

"Juan Esteban Aristizábal Vásquez (born in the city of Medellín Colombia, August 9 of 1972), known as Juanes, is a singer , composer, arranger and activist Colombian of and Pop Rock in English that fuses different rhythms. It is also an outspoken social activist and humanitarian causes. His stage name, Juanes, is the nickname that was called in childhood, her family and comes from the union's first name and the first syllable of the second. Juanes spent his childhood in the municipality of Carolina del Principe (north of Antioquia, Colombia) and later in Medellín .
"Juanes has sold out more than 15 million copies worldwide of his four albums , one of the best selling singers of the music in English. "
" Their success started when he began to incorporate the rural Colombian music, which is the product of mergers of pop rock with Indian rhythms, African and hispanos.Desde children and playing instruments and music was his main hobby. At 15 he began his career with the thrash metal band from Ekhymosis , with 5 albums published by achieving some fame by recording Verlon shoe advertising. [1] the dissolution of the band, Juanes decided to pursue a solo career and in 2000 he debuted with the album Look closely. In 2002, confirms the quality of their work with A normal day. Overall, there are several issues protruding. Songs like " Volverte a Ver ", " For your love ", " ask God " (which in fact is used in the first chapter of Season 4 of the acclaimed series Alias \u200b\u200b) "Earth" and the hit "La Camisa Negra " number one in several countries in Latin America . In late 2007 he published Life ... is a moment whose single release was " I love."
"The government of Ecuador was appointed ambassador of joy. Moreover, according to his label, Universal Music , Juanes has won, among others, with 19 Latin Grammy awards (5 wins in Awards Grammy the November 13, 2008), an Anglo Grammy (won at the last Grammy Awards February 8, 2009), 9 MTV Awards , 2 NRJ Radio Awards, 6 awards "Lo Nuestro", the highest awards possible in the International Song Festival of Viña del Mar (torches of silver, gold, gold and symbolic) and other recognitions throughout the world. In December 2009 he was awarded the National Prize for peace in his native Colombia in the honorary category. Juanes has won hundreds of awards that have characterized as a truly international star and one of the leading exponents of Pop rock in English. "

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hot Spot Back Of Thigh

"Mario Vargas Llosa Wins Nobel Prize for Literature" Unforgettable

BY: Pierre-Philippe Marcou Mario Vargas Llosa

One of the most famous American writers, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature 2010 and became the first Hispanic winner since 1990.

"It was a total surprise, a pleasant surprise," said Vargas Llosa ago Thursday at the radio station WQBA 1140 in Miami, in a telephone interview.

"It a formidable stimulus, these days I guess my life is a bit complicated ... but I do not fundamentally change anything in regard to my work, "added the Peruvian writer.

said the Swedish Academy awarded the prize to the author of 74 years, "for his mapping of the structures of power and trenchant images of resistance, rebellion and the defeat of the individual."

Vargas Llosa, who is in New York teaching at Princeton University, said he was awakened early in the morning when his wife received a call that it happened because he did not understand who was talking.

The call was cut off, and when he returned to attend found out he was the secretary of the Swedish Academy that he had won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 14 minutes and that the announcement would be made public.

"I was in the head certainly is not going to be a joke ... I'm still a little surprised. The truth is that not what I expected, "said Vargas Llosa, whose next novel," The Dream of Celtic, goes on sale Nov. 3

The Peruvian English citizen, is the first winner of the English-speaking Nobel Literature Prize since it was awarded the Mexican writer Octavio Paz in 1990. The Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez received it in 1982. I had previously awarded the Guatemalan novelist Miguel Angel Asturias and Chilean poet Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda.

The academy's permanent secretary, Peter Englund, Vargas Llosa said "has the divine gift of storytelling ... is one of the great authors of the English-speaking world."

added that the writer was in New York on Thursday when he received the news by phone. Is teaching a course at Princeton University in New Jersey.

"I was very, very happy," said Englund. "And very moved."

The international success came to Vargas Llosa's novel "The City and the Dogs", 1960.

Vargas Llosa has written more than 30 novels, plays and essays, including "Conversation in the Cathedral" and "The Green House." In 1995 he was awarded the Cervantes Prize, the most distinguished literary award for English-speaking world. Among his plays include "Miss Tacna", "La Chunga" and "Katy and the hippopotamus."

Vargas Llosa was born in Arequipa, Peru in 1936. He began his life in a family environment at the time was disappointing. Divorced mother, a conservative Peruvian society, and stayed away from his father, whom he met when he was 10 years, had a difficult path in his early years.

His mother decided to travel to Cochabamba, Bolivia, to raise her child away from pressure, and in this mountain city did his basic studies.

On his return to Peru in 1946, studied at the Leoncio Prado military academy, which he scored and was the basis for one of his most famous works: "The City and the Dogs," which won the prestigious Biblioteca Breve , published by Seix Barral in 1962.

Another of his most famous novels, "Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter" (1977), also tells his youthful experiences and the way to adulthood, and his relationship with his aunt Julia Urquidi, older than him, and whom he married in 1953 when he was 18, trying to survive as a radio and press, and even as a manager reviewing the names of the graves of a cemetery.

Their efforts not to evade the letter, he paid off in 1959 when his "bosses" was awarded and began to be recognized within and outside the borders of Peru, while spread his socialist ideas, such as support the Cuban revolution.

Reflecting this influence, Vargas Llosa flew to Havana in 1962 as special envoy Radio-TV France during the missile crisis that the Soviet Union settled on the island and caused severe tension with the U.S. government by John F. Kennedy.

At this time, wrote "Conversation in the Cathedral" in 1969, one of his most important works, which blends a story with the reality of high society linked to Peruvian politics, and "The Green House, while alternating residence in Peru and Argentina. He then traveled to Europe, where he lived in Paris, Barcelona, \u200b\u200band London.

His left idealistic period ended in 1971, when Vargas Llosa took a turn toward intellectual the center-left. In that year he published "García Márquez: Story of a Deicide", a work that emphasizes the creative process of his then friend, the Nobel Prize for Literature (1982), Colombian Gabriel García Márquez.

The novel "Captain Pantoja and the Special Services", published in 1973, was filmed by him in 1976, with little success, though this was done again in 2000 by another Peruvian Francisco Lombardi, with great reception from the public and critical.

In the eighties, Vargas Llosa its uninterrupted work interspersed with literary journalism and in 1983 made an outstanding investigation into the death of eight journalists at the hands of Indians, who had mistaken for guerrillas.

In that decade, one of the most prolific, coming to light his books "The End of the World War", "Against All Odds", "History of Mayta" and "Who Killed Palomino Molero? .

Although so far stayed away from politics in 1987 showed his radical opposition to the government of President Alan Garcia (1985-1990), then in his first presidential term, harsh nationalistic attitudes and socialist tinge was executed. Vargas Llosa

served as presidential candidate in the 1990 elections and emerged as favorite, but was unexpectedly defeated by Alberto Fujimori's populist promises. Its political development that it was put to paper in his book "The fish in water", published in 1993.

In that year he returned to Europe and joined the English to the Peruvian nationality, which caused suspicion in their country of origin.

"I never renounced my Peruvian citizenship, the addition of the English have become wealthy," he said with details of the dispute, while writing novels, analyzing news and strongly criticized the Fujimori government and other authoritarian regimes in the region.

XXI century began publishing the novel "The Feast of the Goat" by commercial success and was made into a film in 2005. The novel is set in the Dominican Republic in the last years of the Trujillo dictatorship.

KARL RITTER and By MALIN RISING Associated Press Via