Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Tomake Household Lube

Simon Diaz Caballo Viejo.

Simon Narciso Díaz Márquez was born in BBQ, Venezuela, August 8, 1928. He is a musician, composer and singer of Venezuelan popular genre.


The first of the eight sons of Don Juan Diaz and Maria Marquez, the death of his father takes care of his family. Also served as an ATM, a boxer and a street vendor. Known mostly for the rescue of the tune llanera, Simón Díaz, convinced that the tune of the Venezuelan plains is a musical air of unique features, was devoted entirely to spreading, studying and composing to turn it into an authentic musical genre in which they have achieved expressed great artists like Soledad Bravo, Mercedes Sosa (Argentina), Caetano Veloso, Ivan Lins, Joyce (Brazil), Danny Rivera, Ednita Nazario, Cheo Feliciano, Roberto Torres and Gilberto Santa Rosa (Puerto Rico) and Franco De Vita, Ilan Chester (Venezuela) among others. Likewise, prominent conductors and composers of academic music tunes have been Simón Díaz to the language of the symphony orchestra and choral arrangements, thereby sealing the universal character of this genre.

But musicians are not the only ones attracted to the tunes of Simon Diaz are also artists from other disciplines, such as the renowned German choreographer Pina Bausch, who included some of these tunes from Simon Diaz for his work creating music for "Nur Du". Moreover, the renowned film director Pedro Almodovar also included in the soundtrack of his film "The Flower of My Secret" a tune from Simon Diaz is called "Full Moon Tonada" version of Caetano Veloso.

His passion for singing and performing led him to theater, film and television, projecting into the 60's as one of the greatest comedians of Venezuela and symbol of the most genuine expressions of folklore and popular culture. From 1963 to 1978 he recorded several albums with maestro Hugo Blanco.

the work undertaken in your country: So far it has been a major player in 3 plays and 5 feature films, has produced and hosted 12 different TV shows extremely high tune, all designed to promote Venezuelan music, one of which was devoted to teaching popular culture just for kids. This program served 10 years on the air, and this experience Simón Díaz became known as "Simon", the name by which he is affectionately known. He kept driving a daily radio program for 25 years, also dedicated to folklore and Venezuelan music on his record label has more than 70 musical productions. There are countless actions art that has made throughout his career, and he has shared the stage with artists such as Mario Moreno "Cantinflas", Placido Domingo, Lucho Gatica, Marco Antonio Muniz, Joan Manuel Serrat, Mercedes Sosa and Atahualpa Yupanqui, etc. . This held fruitful career in 1998, 50 years of artistic life.

has received major awards given by your country in terms of music. He was awarded the highest decoration awarded by the Venezuelan state, ie the "Order of the Liberator in Grand Cordon Order", becoming the only country artist that has been imposed on that distinction. He has represented his country in France, England, Spain, Poland, Hungary, Iraq, United States, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil, Cuba and Colombia.

Known internationally as the author of "Caballo viejo" (erroneously known as Wade out of Venezuela), the compositions of Simón Díaz, regardless of the tune, have been interpreted by artists such as Placido Domingo, Ray Conniff, Julio Iglesias, Celia Cruz, Ruben Blades, Gilberto Santa Rosa Gipsy Kings, Tania Libertad, María Dolores Pradera, Armando Manzanero Barbarito Diez, Ry Cooder, Martyrdom and Oscar D'Leon.

Thus, Simón Díaz, besides being the iconic character of the Venezuelan, is also one of the most valuable and popular composers of Latin America universal, making it a must and undeniable part of the history of popular music, both in Venezuela in the rest of the world.

television's prestigious A & E World has produced a documentary at its "Biography" dedicated to the life of Simon Diaz was released in September 2004.

In 2008, becomes entitled Latin Grammy for lifetime achievement, thanks to the application from a website where signatures were collected much deserved award.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Stuck With A Commercial Building

My dear brother Andrew

He is my dear brother, Andrew. He is my brother. When we were kids we used to play the student and teacher. And when it rained, we would look out the window at the puddles and streams that formed in the rain sobbing. Both wanted to go in winter to tread those pools that for ban on parents, we could not play. He liked playing the keyboard and write sometimes. Silent. Simple. Introvert. Dreamer.

He advised me when things are not very well or when he sees me sad. He is applying this knowledge at the right times. He can speak the right word when needed. He is a good friend ... more than a brother, I consider a great friend whom I treasure. He knows of wounds in life and how to cope. He knows what he is welcome to stay with anything and everything. He knows of small and big sacrifices. He knows of loss of friends and feel lonely. He knows to learn from mistakes and correct them in time. He knows of crisis and reconciliation. He knows the Lord ... He knows what he is spending time worshiping without limiting it. He knows of touching the heart of God, making hand please turn toward him. He knows downcast eyes and hearts dissonant. He knows that his music touches the sky in an instant and keys bring healing. He do not know that there are many people who appreciate ... and who still value beyond time and distance. He does not know who is in the memory of those who invested their time and passion.

He is today's birthday ... and my best wishes are for him ...

"Dear friend and brother ... you and be one of the most important people I have. I dedicate these words again, thrilling time for a change and wishing you the peace of God to come back on you in power ... You're not alone. has never been and never will be. Sometimes it seemed hard way and you felt that never end stress and doubt. So my prayer is that God brings to you some time off and to create new dreams ... dreams that challenge the passion inside you is crying. Let him shout louder, so the Lord will use in places you never planned. "

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Software Exception C0000005 Error In Tally 9

No more foreign

There is an issue that concerned some time ago my mind and I do wish to express. Especially because I think we're a generation that can not be another one, which disposes of the problems of others and living life so insensitive or thinking they are "others" who have to fix the world. There is a concept called alienation " that lives deep in our times and refers to that feeling that we can not do anything to change around us or that any further efforts will end in nothing. It has sometimes been strained between our thoughts, so sometimes we complain about telling others: "Do not invest in others", "trust no one", "look for yourself." Either way we tried to check in our lives that all seems right and we do not realize that gradually we will sticking a layer of selfishness and self-sufficiency to the skin.

I have still the image of Saturday just past, when we were in a group and came Daniel Bourdané (IFES General Secretary) our side to ask who wanted to continue working in the Bible college group (GBU) in the coming years. Everyone fell silent and looked at a person. A group of people said such a person as a possible candidate to continue working on the GBU, but the question that Daniel went straight to the person who spoke: And why not you? There was silence ... then told us that God's faithful people just needed to rest and that he did and provided financial resources. That is precisely the question that has haunted me in the head: And why do you always have to be others that have to do something or have to move or think to have a quality better life? Why does it always have to be the candidate's side to pay the price for talking about Jesus and I can not be me? Why always side is better able than me? (That we sometimes think) ... Why can not pray to God for us to use us to impact our generation? Are the pessimists who respond to this question that we are pessimistic comments in recent times or that there is much evil. Are you comfortable to leave the mission first sacrifice referring to "not his call." At first I would answer that perhaps we can be in recent times, but I want God to find work if they come and talking about it until the last minute. A second, but I would say if they will be comfortable so that they are not Christians ...

In the Bible there are plenty of examples that tell us about ordinary people who answered the call. From nothing God asks: Who will send? And the answer comes from a man named Isaiah. Then God chooses the young Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc. One can also be like them in the sense of responding to God's specific call for a work area. I love when in fact it describes King David as someone who "served his generation" ... I think those who answer the call of God, will be described well ... and I want to be one of them ... We are ordinary people, but we serve a great God, full of impossible dreams possible for us but for him. So why are not alienated from other people's problems. Make friends of those who beg in the streets. Talk with coworkers. Meet with those who share the day to day. Do not walk looking askance at the world or bitter because someone else got up with the left foot. Live the Christian character, not as if they had to hide so that no mock or despise. Long live Christ as a passion and not as an emotion. And when you hear your call, do not look to the side, but to show a heart willing to serve so that we are a generation that serves others and not simply aged working or engrossed in their concerns.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Swollen Cervix During Period

A hidden treasure

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field "

If you find a treasure somewhere, would have several options: 1,
Collect treasure, do not tell anyone and then make use of it as one would wish.
2 º speak with the owner of the land where the treasure was hidden and say we found a treasure and that right is divided equally.
3 º returned in full to the landowner.
4 ° Hide the treasure, do not tell anyone and buy the land where the treasure.

noteworthy that the choice made by man was to sell everything he had and bought the field. And Jesus says the kingdom of heaven is like that, that is, as a man who found him (he found the kingdom of God) and gave all he had to have this treasure. So now the question is, what Jesus calls us to do "With" the kingdom of heaven? And the answer is given by the man in the parable in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. The kingdom of God is a treasure which is worth surrender all: pride, arguments, our past history, our trust in money, in our profession, our wounds, etc. The man went and sold it more important to him and bought the field where the treasure. Now that's for the brave!

Thanks to Carlos Hernández for exposing this in the children's camp just past
This birthday

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Knee Length Skirts Images

N º 24 =)

I know that something different has happened. Something tells me that new challenges are being very good for my life ... As a friend told me: this is the year to start building and raise the pillars. And I'm sure that things are so good that I can not imagine.

thank all those who made this birthday a special day ... everyone made me feel special. I love you!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Manuel Fleetwood Wilderness

Ricardo Montaner "The power of your amor.Viña 2003.

Ricardo Montaner: Reglero Eduardo Héctor Montaner was born in Valentin Alsina, Buenos Aires , on September 8, 1957 is a singer Argentine and Venezuelan citizen, known in the musical world as Ricardo Montaner. At 16 years (1973 ), took part as a drummer a rock band called Scala Maracaibo, until one day, during one of the presentations, the singer became ill and he took his place. Those attending this presentation adopted their performance with applause. Two years later, she began to sing ballads in various family celebrations, while studying journalism.

"Ricardo Montaner was born in Argentina, the son of Argentine parents, but from a very young age he moved to Venezuela , since his family moved to the city of Maracaibo, Zulia State when his father offered a contract at that location.

regard to their origin and nationality, Montaner has not hesitated to declare that it is absolutely Venezuela and Argentina did not. In the "interview" conducted by the writer Leonardo Padrón, the singer said quote:
"There is no ambiguity. I have it very, very clearly. And sometimes I feel it is too tight for me. I'll tell you exactly how I feel. I am absolutely and totally Venezuela. But let me specify: I feel Zulia. I am an artist Maracaibo, Zulia, who came to Caracas and did well, like many others. And I'm not at all an Argentine artist, and I say this with great respect for Argentina. "

Early in his adolescence, Montaner wrote his first song, Spring Nights, inspired by his first girlfriend, Ana Vaz, whom he would marry and his two eldest sons, Alejandro and Héctor Manuel Eduardo, who follow the footsteps of his father, adding to their names the name Montaner.

artistic life

The first issue presented in public at a festival in Peru was Sing, old, sings. Producers offered him his first throw as a singer and it was there he chose as a stage name Ricardo Montaner, using his mother's maiden name. In 1978 he recorded his first LP entitled Mares that failed to attract public attention.


So went a few years, as opening act for artists known and trying to appear as voices festival there. One of these was the festival of Ancon (Peru) where it was unveiled for the first time with the song Walls with which disappeared participated in this festival.

In 1986 the Venezuelan Rodven Records label (now Leader-Rodven) formally hired him was his first LP in this new stage Ricardo Montaner which was well received, in addition to advertising the label (a subsidiary of the Cisneros Group ) had done. This publicity and acceptance of that LP, they did get their first gold and platinum records.

The first international success was Montaner 1988, with disc 2 Ricardo Montaner, including Your piano and my guitar, a duet with Argentine singer-songwriter Alejandro Lerner .

In 1989 married a second time with Marlene Rodriguez Miranda, daughter of the principal shareholder of the radio circuit Venezuela's largest, FM Center , and produces her videos with whom he has three children more: Ricardo Andrés, Mauricio Sebastian and Eva Luna.

In 1993 , Ricardo Montaner dissolves its Sonorodven contract, but without detracting from the musical activity. Recorded for the Disney Studios theme in English A Whole New World (America version) of Aladdin ) a duet with English singer Michelle . Projects

Until 2007, Ricardo Montaner has sold over 25 million albums . I gained over the past years royalties from sales and performances enabled him to create his own record label, Hecho a Mano, with which supported local groups. Unfortunately, the label closed its doors in 2003 , and its catalog managed by the label Venezuelan Latin World Music .

also has a philanthropic foundation, Children of the Sun (the title of one of his albums) since 1993 , which promotes projects for children such as vaccination campaigns, distribution of food and helps orphans.

also as a film producer is credited with the completion of the screenplay for the film lonely boy (played by the duo Servando and Florentino ), very well received by Venezuelan teenage audiences.

His most recent album for Warner Music Latin was performed with the London Metropolitan Orchestra, Orchestra British study, which recorded a second time songs she had recorded earlier in the years since its internationalization. The album sold over a million copies.

The April 16 2004 of its record for the Brazilian market launched its album To meus Montaner friends which became the third Venezuelan artist to record in Portuguese, along with José Luis Rodríguez "El Puma" and Ilan Chester.

After (Ricardo Montaner London Metropolitan Orchestra) has recorded seven albums, (Dream Repeat) containing the Kiss song, which became popular for being the chosen song for the telenovela "Betty la Fea", "Suma" which contains the hit "I can do", "Prohibido Olvidar" with his first single "What You win" "Ricardo Montaner London Metropolitan Orchestra with Vol.2" compilation together another orchestra, and in 2006 "Everything and Nothing" with hits like "All", "When my side These" and "Eternal Life." His most recent production in 2007 is the album "The Best in the World", where he recorded songs that have marked his life as a singer-songwriter. Latest


Ricardo Montaner is one of the most renowned singers in the English speaking world. His latest production is called The Best Of The World (early 2007), which has sold over 600,000 copies.

The November 20, 2007 was released The Best of the World II - And Some Mine ...!. The first cut is something from me, of Camilo Sesto. Montaner

collaborated with the singer's latest CD Patricia Sosa Argentina Lija And Velvet (2007), with a song he composed: A Love Greater Than Love, singing a duet with the singer.

On 24 February 2009 of released the studio album, entitled Things Are As They Are Apart from promoting this album, Montaner has announced plans to release an album of tango and the other with musical adaptations the poems of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda at the request of the eponymous foundation.

Soy Feliz published in 2010, compilation album containing the hitazo moved and two remixed versions of the same.

Lifetime Fitness Cost New Jersey

Marco Antonio Solis-Si No You'd Ido En Vivo Viña 2005

Dedicated to all the lonely souls ...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kitchen Equipment Masterbate

Smile Baby

He can not say my name or anyone. He wakes up every morning not even thinking about what the new day will bring. Look at life from the world of sensations and impressions of a small child. When you hear sound, his head turns and looks the inanimate object with amazement. Looks. Sometimes stretching hands to feel the object in his hands. And best of all: sometimes smiles showing his two little teeth just erupted and getting to illuminate the faces of all those who observe from near and far. He does not know
walk or realize when his dad is driving down the road and he is sitting back, tied on all sides and with a mom and a guy who makes funny faces. Not realize the problems that exist around them. Notes toys surprised that some are blue, some green and others white. Turns head to sounds and when sleep is sensitive to barking of dogs and the shouts of other children.

He does not know when she smiles, transmit life to those who speak ... She can not even say his name ... Perhaps "Matías" seems a simple sound repetitive to whom he must open the eyes and pay attention. But there are things that do not realize ... He knows that when you stretch out your hands and say "come with your uncle," I'll take it in her arms. At that he reached out and smiles in response. He realizes the time I'm talking about and knows familiar voices. Her innocence and joy are characteristics that is starting to show ... He likes to see the colors of the TV and when it is alleged delaying the meal. Not yet realize that we are weak and many thanks to his able to convince us that life has meaning to be lived and developed to the maximum ....

When I grow up I will invite to stay at my house so we can play soccer or go for a bike ride ... We will also go to the cinema and challenge you to play football play station hehehe ... When I grow up I'll ask him to teach me to be a kid again, stepping on the backside when it rains in the winters and surprised that things have colors that are ...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Is It Common For Lips To Hurt From Skoal

A relationship without religion

used to do many things to pretend everything was fine. Although I liked play guitar and sometimes pray, I remember that on several occasions simply was not there. My mind wandered in the film that would give the next hour or page you visit on the Internet immediately after leaving my room. When I went to church was the same ... or thinking about what was to lunch after leaving the gate. It is easy to confuse spirituality with religion simply because people do not realize ... It's so easy to go unnoticed when the picture looks good: status, good car, good marriage / family, professional success.

I would like to talk about the simplicity of a relationship with God. And I think I will give the way to one of the best explanations I have given the gospel from the lips of a companion to the newly converted U: "I decided to stop living life so proud." That was the answer I gave when I asked about what he felt to have accepted Jesus into his life. The relationship with God begins there, in the sincerity of not being independent, knowing that we need from him and others, to want his help. Thus free of pride is not a goal is a road that we cross every day ... Be tested in a fight, in a discussion of marriage / couples, in a dispute with a fellow U / work, in making decisions when someone hurts us, etc. To all these problems is easy to pray 2 hours a day without leaving processed and live as a good religious. When we fail to forgive those who trespass against us easy fast without touching the subject. When we are not comfortable with our church or with a sibling, it is easier to remain silent and discuss the faults of others to others without them knowing about it. The religion allows that. Allows us to complain about everything, but without being seen. Let our conscience makes us feel refreshed and free of guilt, but to live the fullness of a sincere relationship with God. The religion allows pride and welcomes ...

But honest relationship with Jesus will take us to give up everything, even the best arguments in our favor. When we do, makes sense of freedom, grace, love, the golden rule, the blessing instead of cursing, to help those who have offended us and stop being "good" to be powerful in the hands of Father .

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Painting Called Red Dress

Bob Dylan - "Knockin 'On Heaven's Door"

Bob Dylan. "Born in Duluth, Minnesota, United States May 24 1941.Nacido as Robert Allen Zimmerman, is a musician, singer and poet. Has been for five decades, a major figure in popular music, being considered one of the most influential composers and musicians and prolific of the twentieth century. "

Many of the most famous works date from the early Dylan 1960, which became an informal chronicler of American unrest. Some of his songs like "Blowin 'in the Wind" and "The Times They Are a-Changin'" became anthems of the antiwar and civil rights movements of the time. [3] One of the last studio albums Dylan, Modern Times, published in 2006, debuted at the top of the Billboard 200 and was named Album of the Year by music magazine Rolling Stone.

The first letters of Dylan addressing social and philosophical issues and betray a strong literary influence, challenging the existing conventional pop music and generally appealing to the counterculture of that time. While expanding and personalized musical styles, showed a steadfast devotion to many traditions of American music, from folk, country, blues, gospel, rock and roll and rockabilly to English folk music, Scottish and Irish, from for jazz and swing.

Throughout his career, Dylan has been recognized and honored for his compositions, performances and recordings. His albums have won several Grammys, Golden Globes and Oscars, and his name is in the Hall of Fame Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame Composers. In January 1990, received the Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters by French Culture Minister Jack Lang. In 1999 he was included in the list of the hundred most influential people of the twentieth century compiled by Time magazine. In 2000, he won the Polar Music Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music, and in 2004 was the second in the list of the 100 greatest artists of all time compiled by Rolling Stone magazine, after The Beatles. [On June 13, 2007 was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for the Arts, and in 2008 received an honorary recognition of the Pulitzer Prize for his "profound impact on popular music and American culture, marked by lyrical compositions of their extraordinary poetic power. " In this context, since 1996 various authors and scholars have nominated Dylan nominated for Nobel Prize in Literature. "