Monday, February 28, 2011

Zalman Extreme Vs V10

" Come into my life, "Sin Bandera (Video).

By: Don Alejo Heart.
In the month of love took me many events that will surely indelibly marked my life. As nothing is casual, of course, I can not ignore the impact that these experiences will result soon in my life.
The fact is that recently I had the good fortune to know, at a very young girl and special, but has just 20, which makes me presage a complex relationship.
When I first saw, never imagined she would feel for what I feel today. The first meeting was very simple. I saw her walking past my car with a friend, who beckoned me to come down the glass, with some caution as I did and immediately asked if I could take them to school. With suspicion, almost amazed and astonished, I agreed to take them; approached my car, the ride was short and innocuous conversation insignificant, but to get off the girl's peculiar history, let me smiling this pledge: "I am looking for boyfriend "I was cold and petrified. The next day, as I had given my card I called my mobile to ask me out and so tempt me mercilessly, and begin a long journey of events that have unfolded in a sea of passions that bring me headaches. Do not tell them more intimate, for now I just want to dedicate to her and the souls in love, a wonderful song that we enjoyed together, is called "Come into my life," is played brilliantly by the band Sin Bandera, one of my favorites. The song tells it all, but you can also tell a lot.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Reasons For Lump Blood In Stool

Sitting here

Today I'm in silence [...]
Sitting between questions that do not stop,
between unreachable responses
and words with no weight.

prefer the quiet of this moment, sitting
quiet, reflective
slow and maybe ...

Today I think of what I think,
to want to dwell on life,
turns to what seems so uncertain,
turns to what life asks of me.

prefer and stop thinking about the things
faster closing cycles,
think of what lies ahead ...
faster, more direct
without much ado,
without so many excuses.

I realize that time has passed ...
you're not a child ...
you are no longer the innocent child of five ...
that everything should be turned around ...
faster, more direct
without many obvious questions,
not so slowly, with no plans
in vain,
without so many "buts."

prefer the quiet of this moment,
where I know you are, dear God.
I've said many times I change ...
but so many are the ones that I refuse,
slowly, with hints
with obvious questions,
plans in vain,
with many "buts."

Today I think of what I think
and return to the top,
sing again in secret, writing songs
With passion,
honestly, sincerely
with a different attitude ...
that attitude that has no buts,
who treats life in the face and bluntly ...
and ceases to make plans that do not comply ...

[...] I am again Sitting
life changes, people change, everything changes ...
And today I return to you in the silence ...
waiting again between words of passion ...
between words with no "buts" ...
and whisper plans that are far away ...
your plans and not mine,
your character and not mine ...
Or as the Baptist:
"you grow up and I must decrease."
here ... sitting back ...
looking at your face and desiring Father's embrace
to look at life in front ...
no buts, no plans
in vain,
with passion,
with Jesus.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Stuck With A Commercial Builsing

I also worth

Ask us how much worth is a good question we should from time to time. Not to focus on ourselves and be self-referential or egoncéntricos, but for our relationships with others are healthy. We all have self-esteem, men and women, only it manifests itself differently in each. Some appear be very confident, but inwardly they are weak and need support from others to not feel adrift. Others, however, seem weak, but stored inside a fortress which is manifested especially in the difficult moments of life. The important thing, regardless of how are our moods, is to know that we value as individuals and that this value must be cared for by us and respected by others.

There are times when this issue comes to light after love conflicts or relationship problems with family or friends who feel that we disrespect. Faced with these conflicts are those who do not speak and they keep it all, suffering silent. While women seem to suffer more than this, as men tend to prefer to keep that emotional and silence before reacting to the insults. There are also those operating at the time and say what they think no matter what happen to lead others. This to some is as healthy (not to be downloaded for accumulating anger or grief), but becomes unfortunate when you deal as an attitude of defense against everything that we like attack. That kind of people who are "defensive" believe that others do not realize their weakness, but such attitudes suggests much your heart is hosting wounds and unresolved problems. Who has an attitude and a healthy heart, no need to defend all, but rather to be silent at appropriate times and talk when the situation warrants, and without it going to take everybody.

When you think about how much we are worth, the figure of Jesus comes to mind, as a token of love and hope into our lives. Perhaps we never asked him our value. The cliches tell us that he died on the cross and that should suffice. However, today appealed to a personal encounter with that cross. When we only have information (intellectually) that God loves us and gave His son for us, it carries over into being a more religious argument (with intellectual sense, but not life itself). However, when it is God who makes us see what we value, then it makes sense the life He has given us. When that happens, religion gives way to fall and the life he wants ... not one that is dry religious clichés. We realize also that is healthy love yourself and see that others also respect us and we want, without falling into egoism or egocentrism. How do I know my worth before God? The answer is: intimacy with Him

Monday, February 14, 2011

Duckbill Playtus For Sale

vibrates with a mission student

This note I wrote it through facebook a while ago. At this time I lived so special I want to share:

"I did not want to go to the GBU. In fact I resisted several weeks to respond to the invitation I made some friends who were Christians and wanted to start participating. The running time closer to May or June 2005 when one day we reached a small room that had a table and some chairs. They had about 5 people had not seen in all these four months of college. Among them was Valeria Bastías who read us a passage to Gospel of John, began to ask questions. That was the GBU I met.

always tended to be shy and low profile. It carried me because I felt that way any partner could know God. Despite that, little by little I identify with the mission and enthusiastic students ... The core went through some high, stable and other features. The year 2007 was particularly difficult because the nucleus was reduced to two persons, among whom was Daniel Soto. I remember praying a lot during that year together even before the classes start at 7:30 in the morning. He was born in 2008 when we saw the group again ... at its best come to be about 15 people, including colleagues had not Christians and other religions.

never forget the day when there was a meeting evangelism in which he was to sing and play guitar. Nerve had a lot of my classmates because they had non-Christians who came to hear me. My surprise was great when I saw them singing the song while playing: "Only I Come" (by Juan Luis Guerra) . Then I do not know how I talked about having a relationship with Jesus and to know it was not religion. Just know that I was not ... because it had always been shy, was speaking this time in public, and preaching to his companions!

And today ... and after 5 years in the movement, I see that in me had a passion for Christ, Passion for my colleagues college you know, show a passion for God of life and not rules and legalism. It's been 5 years GBU ... 5 years since I saw first a time a group of colleagues around a Bible study. In all these years I have observed that far from being indifferent, our colleagues want to meet God in a deep and real. Far from being who mock us when they have problems ask to pray for them and even worried about certain topics that have doubts. And far from being people we should discriminate, they are, however, also friends whom you can trust and count on in difficult times.

In these 5 years God gave me friends. Countless friends whom I could place confidence and much affection ... The list is long to remember them and the excitement is great to see what they meant to me ... Among them are Juan Luis and Leonardo, two friends who became the GBU and through which God was responsible for teaching me that He is not limited by forms of be (introverted, extroverted) or resources when someone want to use for His glory. So it is time now vibrate others who raise others and motivate others to bring Christ to spread everywhere and higher education with their salvation. "

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How Can We Start A Rice Mill

Michael Jackson "King of Pop"-Billie Jean.

Michael Joseph Jackson ( Gary, Indiana , 29 August 1958 of - Los Angeles, June 25 of 2009 ), known in the art world as Michael Jackson, was a singer , composer and dancer U.S. of pop music and its variants . Known as the "King of Pop " did about 80 records for different reasons and was listed in Guinness World Records on numerous occasions, for reasons among which, among others, be the most successful musical artist all time, with nearly 750 million albums sold, the award-winning musical artist in history, with 405 awards, including 18 Grammy awards , the youngest singer to lead the list of singles in the U.S. , with 11 years of age, the first vocalist to enter the singles chart at number 1 with "You are not alone "; more weeks at No. 1 List Albums (not soundtracks ) in the U.S., with Thriller , for 37 weeks; video most successful Michael Jackson's Thriller , with around 1 million units sold, first animator to earn more than $ 100 million a year, highest paid entertainer of all time (125 million dollars in the list Forbes de 1989 ); y animador más exitoso de todos los tiempos.Además ha sido el primer y único artista que ha logrado empezar y terminar el año con un álbum en el número 1 (Thriller) y el primer y único artista de la historia en lograr números 1 en las décadas de 1960 , 1970 , 1980 y 1990 . (Véase la sección « Premios y honores » para más información).
Su contribución a la música, al baile y a la moda, además de su publicitada vida personal le convirtieron en una figura de la cultura popular .
Comenzó su carrera artística con sus brothers in the band The Jackson 5 to mid-1960, which released ten albums with them until 1975. In 1971 he began his solo career, but remained with the band of brothers. Because of the extraordinary impact of his album Thriller ( 1982), the biggest selling album of music history, became the biggest star in pop music at that time. Some of his works published, as Off the Wall (1979), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991) or HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I (1995), are among the album more vendidos de todos los tiempos, lo que le sirvió para entrar en el Rock and Roll Hall of Fame . Por otra parte, trece de los 98 sencillos de Jackson alcanzaron el primer lugar de la lista Billboard 100 y vendió entre 300 y 350 millones e incluso se consideran las ventas de más de 750 millones de discos.
Fue reconocido durante su carrera con el apodo del «Rey del Pop», siendo la superestrella de la música pop más exitosa a nivel mundial, sin embargo también su música incluyó una amplia acepción de subgéneros como el rhythm & blues ( soul y funk ), disco y dance . Also during his life served as a musical influence for dozens of artists. Michael Jackson throughout his career he has garnered numerous awards, has been listed twice in the Hall of Fame Rock has broken many records in Guinness World Records and received twenty-six American Music Awards and fifteen Grammy awards , two of which are posthumous. Holds the record for most awarded artist in music history, with 386 awards. It has also been recognized for their acts of philanthropy , holds the record at the artist who has donated money to charities, with hundreds of millions of dollars donated to 39 institutions of this type.
Subsequently, in 1990 was involved in two controversial chapters: the first in 1993 and later in 2003. In both cases, the singer was accused of pedophilia , with accusations of sexual abuse of two children of thirteen years in each case. However, the charges were withdrawn after paying a sum of over twenty million dollars in order to avoid a trial in the first case and in the second to be acquitted at trial for lack of evidence. These events had a global impact and affect the last years of his life and career artística.Casi a decade later, was published Invincible (2001), whose launch was recognized as a total failure, since sales were lower than the expenditure and the artist was involved in a dispute with his label. After more than ten years since her last tour, Michael Jackson announced his comeback with a tour to be called This Is It , however, nearly twenty days of the start of the tour, 25 June 2009 The singer died of a cardiac arrest . The Department Forensic Los Angeles County said his death was a homicide, and his personal physician said he was "not guilty" to charges of manslaughter in court and paid a deposit for not entering prison, their trial was postponed to January 2011. Artist's sudden death led to a flood of grief, and to a billion people watched his public funeral on live television. In 2010, Sony Music Entertainment signed a contract with his family for $ 250 million to retain distribution rights to their records and publish seven posthumous albums until 2017.