Saturday, February 19, 2011

Stuck With A Commercial Builsing

I also worth

Ask us how much worth is a good question we should from time to time. Not to focus on ourselves and be self-referential or egoncéntricos, but for our relationships with others are healthy. We all have self-esteem, men and women, only it manifests itself differently in each. Some appear be very confident, but inwardly they are weak and need support from others to not feel adrift. Others, however, seem weak, but stored inside a fortress which is manifested especially in the difficult moments of life. The important thing, regardless of how are our moods, is to know that we value as individuals and that this value must be cared for by us and respected by others.

There are times when this issue comes to light after love conflicts or relationship problems with family or friends who feel that we disrespect. Faced with these conflicts are those who do not speak and they keep it all, suffering silent. While women seem to suffer more than this, as men tend to prefer to keep that emotional and silence before reacting to the insults. There are also those operating at the time and say what they think no matter what happen to lead others. This to some is as healthy (not to be downloaded for accumulating anger or grief), but becomes unfortunate when you deal as an attitude of defense against everything that we like attack. That kind of people who are "defensive" believe that others do not realize their weakness, but such attitudes suggests much your heart is hosting wounds and unresolved problems. Who has an attitude and a healthy heart, no need to defend all, but rather to be silent at appropriate times and talk when the situation warrants, and without it going to take everybody.

When you think about how much we are worth, the figure of Jesus comes to mind, as a token of love and hope into our lives. Perhaps we never asked him our value. The cliches tell us that he died on the cross and that should suffice. However, today appealed to a personal encounter with that cross. When we only have information (intellectually) that God loves us and gave His son for us, it carries over into being a more religious argument (with intellectual sense, but not life itself). However, when it is God who makes us see what we value, then it makes sense the life He has given us. When that happens, religion gives way to fall and the life he wants ... not one that is dry religious clichés. We realize also that is healthy love yourself and see that others also respect us and we want, without falling into egoism or egocentrism. How do I know my worth before God? The answer is: intimacy with Him


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