"But thou, O Lord, you shield around me, My glory, the one who lifts up my head" (Psalm 3:3, RV60)
The truth is that we often have other coats that are not God. What is yours? When I think of the shields that I have, I come to mind all those cliches that you say when you do not want to suffer, "God is the best for me" "Trust in the Lord .." "have faith that he always responds "... What are your clichés? God's shield is a shield that allows suffering to our formation and growth. Many times we suffer and we face circumstances that weaken us emotionally. That's when think that God is with us when we think that everything in the Christian life is cause and effect, ie, "I did something wrong" and now "I get my punishment" ... it is not always the case. Having God as a shield is to assume that often receive bad news, our loved ones die, we have family problems, etc, but all the sadness that we live in God, waiting on him salvation. Even the most depressing moments can take comfort in the arms that God places around us ... And this shield is better than any that can precede, that selfishness, that self-pity, this character showing laughter, but inwardly they suffer a lot, hidden behind the low self-esteem a mask outgoing ... etc.
By getting rid of the other shields, we allow God to be a shield around us ... give us hope and lift our heads to renew our strength.
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