Thursday, December 30, 2010

Buy Old School Ghetto Blaster

2010 to 2011

I remember that every December 31 was devoted to taking stock, looking for improvement and things to strengthen. However, this last day of the year will give him thanks for what God has given me and believe in his promises for the present and the future, wanting him to do his will in my vida sin que yo fuerce las circunstancias como a veces lo hago o siendo impaciente en mi interior... Anhelo profundamente que llegue un tiempo de esperanza donde pueda ver lo que Dios quiere que haga, aún cuando haya incertidumbre. Deseo de todo corazón que ciertas cosas se aclaren en mi vida y que ya no sienta -como a veces me pasa- esa soledad que de repente viene, a pesar de saber que hay mucha gente a mi alrededor. No saben cuánto anhelo eso...

"Señor, acuérdate de lo que has hablado a mi vida y no calles por favor. Acuérdate de las palabras habladas en la intimidad, cuando, sentados tú y yo, hablábamos de todo con profundo detalle... Enséñame a descubrir tus nombres en medio de every circumstance and there regain my courage. When that happens, let me glimpse some of what your book has been written about me and amaze me what you think I am capable of doing, while I lift my hands to you stating my dependent on you and calling for agenda again and make my day any new "

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Business Plan For Poultry

For me [...] Life is this pre-Christmas

When I think of this year, the image of memory is tinged with tragic moments. The episodes discussed a thousand times the earthquake, tsunami, mining accident Turbus and prisoners of San Miguel come to mind as a small sample of what has been this time. Following this, hope that 2010 will go soon and that the new year will bring the desired hope we need. Given all, we hope that 2010 will go with all those bad things and 2011 will swallow the despair, evoking times of success and prosperity. In times like this, is good men to lower the trunk of our attics, that virtue so often forgotten: gratitude. I get this question: I can see the good from the bad? o I can rescue the virtues from the faults of others? "I can thank the midst of tragedy? And this is my answer: Yes we can. Because this is my life: to spread the bread with those in need, thank you for the day awake, look around and really appreciate what we have, to honor those we love, without giving to assume that they know that we love, leaving aside the masks and recognize when we have failed to provide service to others without anyone else that they are aware , allow others to confront defense or attack without showing so ... And also something to repeat ad nauseam: bless those who have offended us, give the other cheek [...] [...], to those who hurt us, not being spiteful or selfish with others ...

"This is my prayer, my God ... that this time of year to bring new hope and a renewed devotion to you. What can surrender my life to your service without skimping on the costs, risks or problems. My prayer today is directed towards the future, to what your book has been written about me, to what your will says its new transit new course where, as a new course towards you, as a new time to return to you and love you with all forces, with all thought and all my songs ... To my life you ... for me to breathe life is not less pain, less tragedies and things turn out like my plans have decided that ... but to be with you, vibrate with the same dreams that throb and be day to day in your presence ... To me that is life ... "

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Manual For Orbit Starter

Christmas is fast approaching ... children are troubled by the sidewalks of the streets and lights to warn that running away is the 25th of December. Are the same lights that once I'd like to see in its glitter in unison ... always consistent, and songs heard when you came. At Christmas it is life that we appreciate, because Jesus himself came into the world despite the discomfort of a manger.

Before Christmas, I would ask: what are you willing to give? Surely some will be used part of its budget to buy gifts to give to some people nearby. But I I ask again, what are you willing to give? And not thinking about the material things that we proposed trade, and not thinking about how to decorate the house or how to stretch the money to reach for the holidays. What are you willing to give? Wilt Thou forgive that offended you? Will you let pride aside this Christmas? Will you think of the other rather than yourself? Will you put your life in service to others? I encourage you to think of someone who bless before Christmas and I am sure that on December 25 will not be that stressful day we struggle with the pocket to stop spending. I challenge you to think of someone to express the meaning of Christmas ... Les challenge to give life even if you feel you do not, but do not know how to do it ... May this Christmas be different does not depend on how many gifts you receive or give gifts, but we're out of our selfishness and decide to love, despite having been damaged, or betrayed, or left out, etc. True love is not about giving when everything is fine, but one who, seeing mistakes and problems, decide to forgive and move on.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Anterior Myometrial Wall Of Uterus

"Pedro Navaja' Ruben Blades.

" Rubén Blades Bellido de Luna (n. Panama, Panama, 16, July 1948) is a singer, songwriter, musician, actor, lawyer and politician Panamanian who spent most of his career in the United States. His style has been described as intellectual sauce.

"From the years 1970 to the present has recorded over twenty albums and has appeared as guest on more than 15 recordings with various artists from different genres and trends. In recognition of its work has received six Grammy awards. On the other hand, has participated as an actor in various productions both Hollywood and independent. "

Biography: C3% A9n_Blades

Thursday, December 16, 2010

What Kind Of Dr Best Treats Hip Bursitis

Do not force your destination

The inspiration for this blog was intended to focus the discourse on the restoration. The word itself means "return to original state" and, of course, that many times in life we \u200b\u200bmust return to the top to start again an issue. Generally much restoration is linked with emotional or relationship problems, but can also mean restore restart or recover an abandoned project that had been aborted dreams. When we force people to be healed, not as well as anything in life that we do in our forces. In this one sees that it is God who brings us closer to himself and gives us the desired restoration. If we trust in him, at some point respond to our prayer and yearning, and heal us ... their own way and time.

When we force situations wears us down and wear down the other. Trusting in God is a challenge of patience and courage to demand of us faith even when we do not see anything or when we see that everything runs completely contrary to our prayer.
When I know I've forced a situation? When I want something and strife but do not see results and deep feelings of frustration looming. This is the time to stop thinking of the hows and whys and deposit it in the will of God. In practice this will of God may be the solution of the problem and its solution not depending on the case ... but above all, trusting in Him will bring peace and hope that things our present and our future are already in your knowledge.

When we force people to be as we want or try to adapt to our way of doing things, quickly generate an erosion of the relationship. The important thing, when such things happen is to have the humility to acknowledge our weaknesses and also the effort to change for the sake of another. Know ... when we understand that in life, breathe a freer air, without the pressure of wanting to control everything and even when there are problems, we can accept the suggestions of others and not act independently at all times. When we fail to persist with God and surrender all of our defenses and fears, his peace and security leads us to change and be more aligned to what we want for our lives.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Spanish Painting Called Red Dress

Hector Lavoe, the Legend, "El Cantante."

Héctor Juan Pérez Martínez (born in Ponce the September 30 of 1946 and died in New York , the 29 June 1993 of ) was a singer of Salsa Puerto Rican . Lavoe was born and raised in a section of Machuelito Ponce. Early on he studied at the conservatory and developed an interest in music inspired by Jesus Sanchez Erazo. He moved to New York when I was seventeen. In its first week in this city, was in the orchestra of Roberto Garcia. During that period, Lavoe was in other groups, including the Orchestra of New York, Kako All-Stars and Johnny Pacheco orchestra .
In 1967, Lavoe became vocalist for the Willie Colon Orchestra , where he recorded such hits as The Bad and Canto a Borinquen. As a member of this orchestra, Lavoe became addicted to drugs. Colón eventually decided not to work with Hector on stage but remained good friends. Lavoe formed his own orchestra, which was the vocalist. As a soloist, he recorded songs such as: The singer, Bandolier and yesterday's newspaper ('El Cantante' was composed by Ruben Blades 'Shoulder' by Columbus 'Journal' by Tite Curet Alonso .) During this period, was invited as vocalist Fania All Stars .
In 1979, he fell into a deep depression and sought help from a Santero (in Santería ) who treated the problem of drug . After his brief rehabilitation suffered another relapse in May 1987 his eldest son, Hector Luis, dies at age 18 of an accidental shooting that he was a friend. This death was considered the limit of their existence. That same year his mother was murdered and her father died. After these events, he was diagnosed HIV virus , affecting your mood Lavoe very well to the point that attempted suicide from the balcony of a hotel. Lavoe survived and recorded an album before his condition worsened. Lavoe died on June 29 of 1993 due to complications with AIDS .

"Hector J. Perez comes from a poor family in Ponce, Puerto Rico . Son of Francisca Martinez (Panchita) and Luis Pérez (Lucho). At age 7 death of his mother, is the first of many blows in life. From childhood music was instilled at the age of 14 years and sang for his people. At the age of 17 years, driven by economic necessity to alleviate the pain still retained the death of his mother, he moved to New York to seek a better future and make the fruit of their abilities.
In New York, Pérez Martínez met Willie Colon and Johnny Pacheco , co-owner of Fania Records label and was part of the belt first, achieving many successes due to performance quality of the band of Columbus and the special sound that you printed the Puerto Rican their interpretations (a mixture of defiance and street style.) In the New York salsa circuit this band was known as The Bad Boys. The pair formed by Willie Colon and Hector Lavoe is regarded by both critics and fans as one of the largest in the history of salsa.
From 1967 to 1973 produced several albums, among them "The Great Escape", "our thing", "Lo mato (If you do not buy this album)," "The Trial" and the two volumes of "Christmas Assault", which is devoted songs like "Juana Peña", "Barrunto", "Calle Luna Calle Sol" and "La Murga de Panama" (where is assumed to be coupled trombone arrangements for the sauce).
In 1973, Columbus decided to engage in production and your family. He separated from his band, leaving it to Hector Lavoe. Later, Willie Colón will join the Panamanian Rubén Blades to form another winning match in the sauce. Despite this separation, Columbus Lavoe continued to work with the production of several of his solo albums.
Since 1975, Lavoe began his career and released the albums "The Voice", "It depends on you" and "Comedy", containing songs such as "yesterday's newspaper," authored by Tite Curet Alonso and the song that would become his standard, consisting of Rubén Blades, "Singer." During this time, Lavoe also participated in the tour being conducted by the Fania All Stars with other salsa stars of that era.
He earned nicknames such as "The Voice" for his ability to interpret songs others, like the same Johnny Pacheco, compose for him. In addition it has been called "point man" or "The King of Punctuality", thanks to an event in Africa, which occurred because of his fondness for parties, and also "The man who sings even underwater, by his virtuosity . Hector
always gave a unique, never showed an air of arrogance and was always humble. Released albums with hits like "Felipe Pirela Remembering" (1979) "Merry Christmas", "Sage" (1980), "What a feeling" (1981), "Vigilante" (1983) the "resale" in (1985) with topics: "Life is beautiful" and "Fame." Besides those already mentioned, he famous songs as "The Almighty", "Paradise of sweetness", "Sad and empty", "The Truth" "A love of the street", "Lie."
But the beginning of the 80 tragic event was marked for Lavoe. The fracture of his legs when he jumped out the window of his apartment in Queens due to a fire, was a fact that was combined with his addiction to drugs to make him a man mired in depression and the brink.
The concert called 'Singer of the Singers' or 'Sonero of Soneros', always overflowed with people and fans. However, the ability of the singer was dwindling, until the end singing with a voice unrecognizable and confined to a chair in the middle of the stage.
Sunday June 26, 1988, after the suspension of a concert in Lavoe Bayamon, Puerto Rico, and because of the low call, Hector withdraws depressed at the Regency Hotel on Avenida County where staying and leaped into the ninth floor. The fall did not produce death, but the half-body paralysis. This is her second jump from a building without dying the first by a fire. Even in a state of partial paralysis, Lavoe had to fulfill his contract and be presented at some concerts product of manipulation by their representatives, without their physical and emotional state had relevance. Depression that was, for a life full of surprises, the loneliness that was in its last days (since only received occasional visits from one or another friend), their economic situation, growing up without her mother, murder his brother, the death of his father, his mother's murder and the accidental death of his son were the push that was missing for this artist definitely fall.
Since then remained withdrawn New York, although the same year of his death was released a final album, Héctor Lavoe & Van Lester: The Master and the Protect ".
Hector Lavoe died on June 29, 1993 at Memorial Hospital of Queens, five years after his failed suicide attempt. He was buried at Saint Raymond of Queens, New York, and nine years later, as he requested, thanks to the efforts made by another famous salsa singer, his companion, Mr. Ismael Miranda, his remains were taken to his hometown, Ponce in Puerto Rico .
Hector Lavoe is unanimously considered one of the best singers that enriched the genre of salsa. is currently that culture icon and an idol in several locations, there is even a monument in his honor in Ponce, Puerto Rico and another in the Peruvian province of Callao , which is regarded as an illustrious son. Its busy personal and professional life was taken in 1999 to stage the play "Who Killed Hector Lavoe?" produced by Pablo Cabrera and David Maldonado, the personification of Hector Lavoe by Domingo Quiñones salsero .

Eight years later, in 2007, leaving El Cantante, a film about the life of Hector Lavoe starring Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez. There are currently expectation by recording the true story of Hector Lavoe who has in the cast with the likes of Raul Carbonell and Paty Manterola, Puerto Rican film source clearly.