Monday, February 14, 2011

Duckbill Playtus For Sale

vibrates with a mission student

This note I wrote it through facebook a while ago. At this time I lived so special I want to share:

"I did not want to go to the GBU. In fact I resisted several weeks to respond to the invitation I made some friends who were Christians and wanted to start participating. The running time closer to May or June 2005 when one day we reached a small room that had a table and some chairs. They had about 5 people had not seen in all these four months of college. Among them was Valeria Bastías who read us a passage to Gospel of John, began to ask questions. That was the GBU I met.

always tended to be shy and low profile. It carried me because I felt that way any partner could know God. Despite that, little by little I identify with the mission and enthusiastic students ... The core went through some high, stable and other features. The year 2007 was particularly difficult because the nucleus was reduced to two persons, among whom was Daniel Soto. I remember praying a lot during that year together even before the classes start at 7:30 in the morning. He was born in 2008 when we saw the group again ... at its best come to be about 15 people, including colleagues had not Christians and other religions.

never forget the day when there was a meeting evangelism in which he was to sing and play guitar. Nerve had a lot of my classmates because they had non-Christians who came to hear me. My surprise was great when I saw them singing the song while playing: "Only I Come" (by Juan Luis Guerra) . Then I do not know how I talked about having a relationship with Jesus and to know it was not religion. Just know that I was not ... because it had always been shy, was speaking this time in public, and preaching to his companions!

And today ... and after 5 years in the movement, I see that in me had a passion for Christ, Passion for my colleagues college you know, show a passion for God of life and not rules and legalism. It's been 5 years GBU ... 5 years since I saw first a time a group of colleagues around a Bible study. In all these years I have observed that far from being indifferent, our colleagues want to meet God in a deep and real. Far from being who mock us when they have problems ask to pray for them and even worried about certain topics that have doubts. And far from being people we should discriminate, they are, however, also friends whom you can trust and count on in difficult times.

In these 5 years God gave me friends. Countless friends whom I could place confidence and much affection ... The list is long to remember them and the excitement is great to see what they meant to me ... Among them are Juan Luis and Leonardo, two friends who became the GBU and through which God was responsible for teaching me that He is not limited by forms of be (introverted, extroverted) or resources when someone want to use for His glory. So it is time now vibrate others who raise others and motivate others to bring Christ to spread everywhere and higher education with their salvation. "


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