Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Software Exception C0000005 Error In Tally 9

No more foreign

There is an issue that concerned some time ago my mind and I do wish to express. Especially because I think we're a generation that can not be another one, which disposes of the problems of others and living life so insensitive or thinking they are "others" who have to fix the world. There is a concept called alienation " that lives deep in our times and refers to that feeling that we can not do anything to change around us or that any further efforts will end in nothing. It has sometimes been strained between our thoughts, so sometimes we complain about telling others: "Do not invest in others", "trust no one", "look for yourself." Either way we tried to check in our lives that all seems right and we do not realize that gradually we will sticking a layer of selfishness and self-sufficiency to the skin.

I have still the image of Saturday just past, when we were in a group and came Daniel Bourdané (IFES General Secretary) our side to ask who wanted to continue working in the Bible college group (GBU) in the coming years. Everyone fell silent and looked at a person. A group of people said such a person as a possible candidate to continue working on the GBU, but the question that Daniel went straight to the person who spoke: And why not you? There was silence ... then told us that God's faithful people just needed to rest and that he did and provided financial resources. That is precisely the question that has haunted me in the head: And why do you always have to be others that have to do something or have to move or think to have a quality better life? Why does it always have to be the candidate's side to pay the price for talking about Jesus and I can not be me? Why always side is better able than me? (That we sometimes think) ... Why can not pray to God for us to use us to impact our generation? Are the pessimists who respond to this question that we are pessimistic comments in recent times or that there is much evil. Are you comfortable to leave the mission first sacrifice referring to "not his call." At first I would answer that perhaps we can be in recent times, but I want God to find work if they come and talking about it until the last minute. A second, but I would say if they will be comfortable so that they are not Christians ...

In the Bible there are plenty of examples that tell us about ordinary people who answered the call. From nothing God asks: Who will send? And the answer comes from a man named Isaiah. Then God chooses the young Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc. One can also be like them in the sense of responding to God's specific call for a work area. I love when in fact it describes King David as someone who "served his generation" ... I think those who answer the call of God, will be described well ... and I want to be one of them ... We are ordinary people, but we serve a great God, full of impossible dreams possible for us but for him. So why are not alienated from other people's problems. Make friends of those who beg in the streets. Talk with coworkers. Meet with those who share the day to day. Do not walk looking askance at the world or bitter because someone else got up with the left foot. Live the Christian character, not as if they had to hide so that no mock or despise. Long live Christ as a passion and not as an emotion. And when you hear your call, do not look to the side, but to show a heart willing to serve so that we are a generation that serves others and not simply aged working or engrossed in their concerns.


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