Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Swollen Cervix During Period

A hidden treasure

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field "

If you find a treasure somewhere, would have several options: 1,
Collect treasure, do not tell anyone and then make use of it as one would wish.
2 º speak with the owner of the land where the treasure was hidden and say we found a treasure and that right is divided equally.
3 º returned in full to the landowner.
4 ° Hide the treasure, do not tell anyone and buy the land where the treasure.

noteworthy that the choice made by man was to sell everything he had and bought the field. And Jesus says the kingdom of heaven is like that, that is, as a man who found him (he found the kingdom of God) and gave all he had to have this treasure. So now the question is, what Jesus calls us to do "With" the kingdom of heaven? And the answer is given by the man in the parable in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. The kingdom of God is a treasure which is worth surrender all: pride, arguments, our past history, our trust in money, in our profession, our wounds, etc. The man went and sold it more important to him and bought the field where the treasure. Now that's for the brave!

Thanks to Carlos Hernández for exposing this in the children's camp just past
This birthday


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