Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ringworm From Gloryhole

Participad en las sections + NEW! Justin

Hello, beautiful!
Sometimes the love we feel for a guy we have so stunned that we do not realize that you are going to list it with us. Guess I do not say: I know from experience, I have experienced several times and so I leave some tips about what should in no way support. I hope they serve.

romantic background music * *
Oh, yes, youth ... full of wonderful experiences, adventures and romances. A day like any other you wake up not knowing what love is about to come into your life. Meet a handsome young man and all is well until ... find that it's a jerk.
Does this sound familiar story?
is extremely common that when we fall we see that perfect person and as a complete gentleman, but when you start to know him, the dream becomes a nightmare. Then I leave a short list of things that really should not be very nice to stand by the boy in question has eyes n_n
red are things that you alone must flee immediately.

* It tells you when you want. This may be a sign of two things: either it is half shy and not sure how to behave towards women or as is half lout know you're dying to play it.

* I used to give someone jealous. You realize that embraces you only when you are in front of another girl. Will you and notes glances to see if anyone else sees. Be careful with these symptoms.

* You find out who goes with you for a bet. Extremely common in high school, I lived it n_n. I do not know what the hell in the twisted head of the subjects walking with a girl for a bet looks like fun. Stay away if you hear this.
* Forcing "strapping." Uff! the second most common point of all. For those who do not know what wrap is touching, kissing and cuddling but without sex. The same and worse is when it comes to sex. Nobody can force you to do not something you want. If you require, reporting to the person without hesitation to not do it to anyone else.
* That tells you you're too small for him, show him you're a girl. Related to the previous point. I once had a boyfriend in secular I reached under her shirt, just to jerk, I did not and told him to take her out. Immediately after the boy cut me because "it was very small" and told me we were talking about when he grew up. Anyway, needless to say that "growing up" and not ever peeled;). Do not let them intimidate you or make you feel bad someone like that. You'll your step, not the one you want to force someone else:).

* you vote in the wee hours of the night somewhere. Another of my wonderful experiences. If they come out super late, the guy has no car and takes you home, that it is an desconciderado to 100%, remember that your safety comes first.
* You drunk or forces you to drink alcohol and then try to seduce you.

* Do not want to present to their parents. When you go home, notes that it is humanly possible to tooodo ever you cross paths with their parents. Ask why before you decide anything, but it may mean there is something in you that she is embarrassed. A subject and should give you worth to you:).

* You try to change saying that there are things you can not stand. Do not like how you dress or the music you hear, and not the least embarrassed to tell you ... in the worst way possible. Zero subtleties with this guy: not only does not like it asks you to change it. Maybe even give you hint that sorrow. Again, the penalty is giving him. Stay away. * is violent. Here begins the red alert. If the child is violent when angry and rather civilized and resolve conflicts and even insults you raise your hand to hit you or grab you and you with violancia hurt, LEAVE. If it hits: REALLY GO, never see him again, not even apologize. A man who sticks never changes.
* I emotionally blackmailed. Emotional blackmail is a form of abuse that can leave a serious psychological harm you. No arriezgues your self-esteem by a guy who's not worth it.

* you devaluation by not being a virgin. This is extremely common in a filthy sexist. Are you a virgin or not, does not have to care. A woman is no more and no less for having sex, and whether a man accused of PUT you * for doing so, you IRTE immediately.

* Speak ill of you with your friends.
* flirts with other women. If you walk down the street and suddenly you are the eyes to a redhead who goes by, it is normal, but if instead your facebook notes that there are text messages for 14 different women who do not know and have provocative photos, as insurance is that you are before a compulsive flirt.

* violent jealousy. Todooos have a jealous inside, but one thing is for you to get jealous very xy tell other is that you want burn the house type in question. Detects whether the level of jealousy is really worrying.

* I hang out with someone. This is linked to the previous point, when someone is very jealous, it is quite possible for you to decide who should and can get together for no other reason than their whims. Nobody can tell who they are and who is not your friend, that depends on you. This also applies when it comes to forbid you to go somewhere.

Tumblr_lkbk1llfwz1qik67lo1_500_large * Do not trust you. You're always wondering who you were, what did you and wants you to justify every second of your existence, be careful. If he asks insistentenmente and even question what you say or angry because you tell more detail, you are before a possessive guy and not trust you. That's not right.

* Check your email accounts you require your password.

* It tells you that nobody will want to like him (in a tone of threat) * Wow, it sounds silly but that is extremely lethal, because you believe in the idea that no one else will try well and makes you dependent on him for fear. As you can see, there are a lot of text marked in red and the truth is that there are so many things that we should not allow, that I wanted to emphasize that auqneu not realize the damage you are doing that person is very large and can have consequences.
Remember that you are the most important and many children. Choose one you like and respect.
Credits went with some outfits ... well, that has left Disney, and I want to leave clarito ... It was with a full leather clothing, boots, shorts and black top with sequins! OMG!

Here you sang the songs (there are some who never have heard): 1. "Liberty Walk", 2. "Party in the USA" 3. "Kicking and Screaming", 4. "Robot", 5. "I Love Rock 'n' Roll / Cherry Bomb (Joan Jett cover)" 6. "Every Rose Has It's Thorn", 7. "Obsessed", 8. "Forgiveness and Love" 9. "Fly On The Wall", 10. "7 Things", 11. "Scars", 12. "Smells like teen spirit (Nirvana cover), 13. "Can not Be Tamed" 14. "Landslide" (Stevie Nicks cover), 15. "Take Me Along", 16. "Two More Lonely People", 17. "The Climb", 18. "See You Again", 19. "My Heart Beats For Love", 20. "Who Owns My Heart."

Source days! WoW! That's XD!

"I have found to be skinny to be attractive is not necessarily. Guys like girls with curves" , he said. Maybe for you, but you know that some of the girls who read the magazine are thin (like me), so I will not grace you say that ... but hey, everyone likes ...

Incidentally, I have a looking forward to Summer's ... hahaha!

Source Friday, finally, "he said Katy ... hehehehe, what sense of humor XD


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