Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Church Anniversary Verse

If I decide to stay, Gayle Forman

Hello, bloggers! What? I'm fine, five days I'm going on tour during weekend trip to Mallorca! I'm looking forward to going, I'm sure I'll spend great, I'll tell you * _ *
Today I bring you a review of a book I bought quite some very very thin - as I like! - But that I had not decided yet to read, because it is a drama and did not feel like crying too. But in the end, I decided to give it a try ... and I regret nothing. Here's my review.

◆ Name: If I decide to stay.
◆ Author: Gayle Forman.
◆ Publisher: Salamandra pocket.
Genre: Drama youth.
◆ Number of pages: 180.

The snow falls slowly, almost unnoticed, in the city of Mia, reason enough to be canceled school. Neither she nor her father nor her brother should go to school, so her mother takes the day off. It seems incredible for a girl of seventeen, but she loves to spend the day with his family, so when his parents decide to get into the car to visit a friend, she is sure to be a great day. Until that happens misfortune.
An accident with a truck causing Mia to stay in a coma. But she does not know why, you can see everything that surrounds it from outside your body: The people who visit, the presence of nurses, herself lying on a stretcher in the ICU.
And he realizes he has in his hands the most important election of his life.

First and foremost I have to say about this story is that you will not find good humor, or anything like that. This is a drama with all the letters . If The sky is anywhere - here review, I was afraid to start it for the drama that may contain in their pages, and then I got the joy that would not be so, here I have been just the opposite. I read expecting to find something a little less sad, but I cried and cried almost every page .

The story is narrated by Mia, our protagonist, personally. While in principle this is a bit weird because the girl is in coma, and finally ended up getting used to enjoy this style, because that way Mia tells what his life before the coma, and through their experiences and anecdotes we know in depth to characters that have fascinated me , as Adam and parents of the protagonist.
may take a little back to the fact that the story itself just advance, ie focus more than anything else in Mia's life before the accident. However, nothing is further from reality I found a very original style , and it does not focus on the present and future actions, but uses the past to tell us this, and can say that Gayle Forman dominated the action in a wonderful way.

As you already know that you may know the book is very short and fine, we read in an afternoon, if it supports both drama together, it is not my case, and quickly and simple. Of course, after the experiences of a normal girl, hides much more, but I will talk to the content. Going back to what he was saying, the novel is not divided into chapters, but in hours -everything happens in one day apparently, removing and other memories. Thus, in each "leg" between one and another, Mia tells us a little bit of what you see from outside in the ICU, and others, their nurses, the reaction of his family and his people, their progress hospital. .. and tells one or more stories of his previous life , through which we can know and fond with her and the other characters in a surprising way, despite being a very fine book, not me become attached too much ground characters in short stories.

Anyway, I liked pretty how to write Gayle Forman. Without being complicated or convoluted, comes into the depths with a simple language worthy of a teenage girl is shy and quiet as Mia. A charming book, we will, but now we go with the nicest, most importantly, their content.

are many good things about this novel, despite being very thin. It is as simple and complex at once, so nice and so sad, so special and lovely, it is hard not to become attached to it. I did not read his reviews too because I've taken more of a disappointment to read wonderful reviews when the play was not so, and I think I did well, very well.

As always, I'll tell you what, I think, do not have to expect from this book. A story brimming with imagination. A novelaza of these that leave you bowlegged for its absorbing story. Action, adventure and surprises. If you are looking for something, NO I recommend. But if, instead, seek enterneceros, hang out while you give a little coconut, learn about the decision, realize the people you want, and why not, add the crybaby a while, this is your perfect story. Because
may appear in a book as finite can not fit a good story, and I assure you it is. Sure. Although it is not intricate, meticulous and surprisingly, makes it to the depths with insignificant details that we will move us more than once, and accomplishes all this by the hand of very human characters that you will feel like you know them.

For once, Mia is neither more nor less "popular" high school. It's just a normal girl , who loves music, has a dream, a boyfriend and a friend to those who love her and a wonderful family, but diverse. has flaws, but also many virtues , and through their experiences Gayle Forman gets both we get closer to her and know her so well that we end up taking him an unusual affection.

And on the other hand, we have Adam. What about him? I think is one of the few male literary characters I have come to really love , and it is probably because it is so human that reminds me of a real person in my life It is inconceivable to me last few times. is so sincere, so adorable, so lovely, I do not know, I was fascinated.

Speaking alluring ... we also have the father and the mother of Mia. Although, as I read in a review-I forget which, "is a bit tiresome the perfect family location that is in many children's books is also true that small little detail is overshadowed by knowing overwhelming and great personalities of Mia's parents. And so I can say with Willow and Henry, especially the first - a clear example of fascinating woman! -. I also liked the depth that was Gayle Forman with Mia's grandparents, especially my grandfather. I went with them as with Adam, I looked so real that reminded me of my acquaintances in real life. I think that's the strength of this novel humanized the characters and what they are. Kim I also liked a lot, and Teddy, the brother of Mia, I will not say anything, I think the author did not dwell too much on him, but neither has seemed very necessary, "so I'm afraid not opinaré.

What I want to comment on is the relationship of Mia and Adam. I think is one of the few love stories that I really liked, are so real and sincere, with so many flaws and virtues that I found completely adorable:). And he stressed the importance of music in this work, it is not my favorite arts, the truth, but even then, I loved the relevance. Mia, of course, plays the cello, and Adam is a singer-guitarist-think of the Shooting Stars, a group that increasingly more wins, and Mia's father was a punk in their glory years. What do you say?

But to end the review, I want to talk about something else. What I have come to the book, the message it conveys. The love of life. You may want to. Just really want it. The importance of the decisions in life a person, and transmitting love, love of family, love of friends and love the person you want to be. I think this novel has managed to convey a great way the concept of love with which I have always felt identified , the love in general and not particular love without materialism, the pure love that comes with difficulty.

By the way ... going to be sequel. Those who have read, what do you think? I do not think it would be written, it will spoil what was a great book autoconclusivos . Where she will be entitled jump up and develop three or four years after the accident, from the point of view of Adam this time. What do you think? I'm not convinced the truth ... but if you end up falling into my hands, I will tell you. It is coming out in English this year, so rather wait to have it here in English.
And I'm going with the extension of the review, I think I'm going to stop writing: P A novel, in short, highly recommended, that reaches "potato" and the thrill you without a doubt.

PS Isola finished and in process of digestion. How can you have such bad reviews? I do not understand!
Indeed, on Friday I am going to Mallorca five days (YES !!!), so I'll abandonadito the blog, forgive me ... but I can hang the failure of Beautiful Contest tomorrow, and hopefully you could write the review of Isola , if inspiration comes to me. Really, I love it. And no more xD advancement. Now I have given with Hex Hall ... to see how it goes.
A big kiss to everyone!


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