Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pokemondeluge Downlod

The meaning of friendship

Send Marcos Vidal begins portraying the great ... "No are many, but God put them there. "The Bible describes them as those who may be" closer than a brother. "The truth is that those people around us are more important than we think. We rise when we are sad. We are encouraged when dreams start. We draw attention when they see something that is not good or a bad decision. We provide support in the storm.
always in my house I grew up listening to the speech to be careful with people and with friends, because they could be with us in a moment, but then you could give back. When I think of that, I think in life one comes across a lot of people with different forms of being and personality. It is very harmful to think that for fear that we may damage, generate no friendships with anyone ... All or most of the people, needs others to move forward.

There are different types of friends and thus, different degrees of intimacy. There are those who perhaps were friends whom we trust at some point, but for various reasons they went away. Sometimes the distance is only a result of the daily routine, without any conflict. That kind of friends should not be discarded, we should be grateful that appeared in a moment of our lives to help. Always remember a great friend named Joel. He was a great friend in my time of adolescence ... For a variety of life circumstances, we move away, but not that he transforms into a "traitor" or a person who "does not deserve to be called friend." To this day I value what he gave me at the time. Sometimes we tend to feel resentment to those who according to us "have not taken the time to cultivate friendships." It is true that sometimes we expect things from others, especially those who are closest, but not why we pay feelings against others. We all function at different rates. We all function differently against relationships.
are also those friends who are close, but we share with them sporadically. We share our trivial things, but not so much about those things that make us suffer and those internal struggles we have in the day. And they are close friends ... than ever are many ... These are those who know us as we are ... with gaffes, our mistakes ... but also with the best of us.

worth cultivating friendship. Sometimes we have no friends because the first error we see in others, discard, or live as on ourselves, to turn away people who want to help us load problems or pass sentences. Finally, the ends away from people who resist advice or make people very proud. To be friend to someone is necessary humility ... is necessary to leave selfishness and sacrifice time and energy. I am convinced that it is worth investing in other ... My closest friends are four: Romina, James, and William Joy. I think they know how I am ... know my blunders. And I think with each of them have experienced that feeling Had they been missed, but know that I endure and bear with all my faults. I thank them for being who held my hand when I was more evil and for who encourage me to continue. Because they appeared at the exact moment that should have appeared. I love them and I appreciate very much, simply because they are and because I know and have decided to trust their inner secrets ...

I want to repeat something: It's always worth investing in others. Although we fail. Although sometimes offend those we love. Although they fail us. Although more than one betrayed our trust (which I assure you, are the least). It is always worth ... I think that's the meaning of friendship.

"Thank you Lord that you put around us special people who encourage us to be more. With different ways of being, they break up our arms and our schemes, challenging more. Thank you because I can see your face through my friends and I can hear your voice clearly saying, "I follow you," through them and their friendship. Lord ... I knew it was worth investing in others, because you invest in us with all you had ... "


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