Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Shooting Pain On Left Side

[...] Looking at life from the front

some time ago, no longer does 1 year, I well remember the scene from my teacher in front of me. He had shared time with him since he decided to start the argument in its field. August of that year was running and my life seemed to get stuck in things of the past and lament the problems. I remember one day "X" the teacher told me very hard and said I should worry more about myself because there were things in my way of being that were not right. Never before that time, I could see how far I had strayed from what God wanted for my life. I was careless of me, I did not care to do some things poorly and even trying to hide parts of my heart that were damaged.
Once I left that room where we talked with my teacher, I felt shame and anger. I never felt as vulnerable as at that time ... and so open. I think my teacher got it right in everything I said and led me a deep sense of saying, "No more of this."

There are times in life when we missed areas of our heart that are wrong. We even avoid and turn away people who show us those areas. It is better not to suffer, let those areas that hurt us, are quietly silenced by time. However, for progress must be areas of our heart to be exposed to light and we have the Hagall to confront them and end them if necessary.

A typical example is when we live immersed in self-pity and that chronic pain robs us of our passion for life. Or when we do not assume that time passes and we must take responsibility and manage our lifestyle. These things seem so basic, but sometimes we do not face. Or when problems, let us not face people with whom we have conflicts. Or when you make a mistake, not having the courage to bear the consequences of that and, despite the shame, recognizing what we have done.

When we look at life from the front, assuming its ups and downs, we can better appreciate God's purpose. Mature does not mean we know everything, but rather to take care of who we are and what we do and where to go. I have these questions about them:

What have you thought of you lately?
When was the last time you said: "No more of this attitude" "No more than the habit "" No more of this way of looking at life "" No more of this way of being "?
What limits us to the point of wanting to stand up to life with our strengths and weaknesses?
What areas of the heart require the light of Christ?

Look to face life means realizing that we are not children and we must be men or women enough to take the disappointments and joys as part of life, and still believe in a faithful God. This is not a speech; merits decisions and give up our comfort and way of doing things.


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